
  • Cold weather

    1st Dec 2020

    Cold weather

    It's that time of year again when the frost starts to bite and fingers and lips start to split. Try our moisturising lip balms with honey and our hand balm to sort out those nasty splits. Do…

    Published by Amanda

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  • Hoping the weather improves this weekend

    26th Aug 2020

    Hoping the weather improves this weekend

    It's that time of year again - honey harvest. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the weather improves so we can collect the honey for the coming year. If it is too cold or wet we won't be able to…

    Published by Amanda

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  • What do bees produce? - part 1!

    29th Jan 2020

    What do bees produce? - part 1!

    Most people assume that bees only produce honey but they make other products which we all hear much less about. When they forage bees collect pollen, nectar, water and tree sap. They use pollen as a f…

    Published by Amanda

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